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Being a new blogger is fun and exciting, but you may wondering how to take the first steps toward creating a blog that will drive traffic to your site. These 10 essential blogging tips for new bloggers will help you as you navigate your new blog.

Before you worry about every little aspect of your new blogging journey, take a deep breath. You’ve go this! It can seem overwhelming, but we want to let your know that you will grow so much stronger through this process.
We wish someone had told us these tips when we first started blogging. These tips would have saved a lot of time and money as we began navigating our blog. We would have stayed way more encouraged throughout the process as well.
We can remember our first few months of blogging. In all honesty, we felt like a chicken with our head cut off. We knew the intention behind our blog, and knew it was a space we were called into, however, we didn’t have the clearest direction of where to start.
From blog posts to email lists, there is so much information out there detailing the “right ways” to set a foundation for a new blog. While all these are included in our list of blogging tips below, we believe there are some other important aspects to being a newbie blogger.
These 10 blogging tips are essential to having the right mindset as you start your blog in 2021. After blogging consistently for a year, we have found that these are possibly the most important things a beginner blogger needs to hear.
10 Essential Blogging Tips for New Bloggers
1. Learn How to Create an Inviting Space for Your Audience
First, is to consider the audience you want to attract to your site and learn how to create an inviting space for them. One way to determine this is to be real with yourself and determine the goals you want to achieve with your site. Think about how you can reach those goals by enriching your audience in the best way.
Maybe you’re a new blogger who wants to provide a space where people can…
- Find wholesome, healthy recipes to enrich their life
- Learn how to create a home that’s inviting
- Discover how to develop their crafting hobby
- Learn how to express themselves through makeup art
Whatever your goal is, stick to it, and create a space on the internet where they know they can come to you to find inspiration.
If your space invites them to learn, try new things and gives them opportunities to be apart of the community you have created, then you’ve already created something super special.
2. Is Your Niche Narrow Enough?
It’s important as a new blogger to have a narrowed niche. Even though you may be passionate about a lot of different topics, you need to narrow down your niche to one specific topic.
If you write about anything and everything, your audience may get confused about what your blog is about. You want to provide value to your audience in one specific direction starting out. Once your blog has grown and you’ve established to your blogging community what your brand is about, then you can branch out to some other topics.
Some narrowed-niche ideas are:
- Home
- Home Design
- Blogging Tips
- Finance Tips
- Vegan/Paleo/Keto Food
- Home Cooking
- Lifestyle
- Crafting
- Living on a Budget
- Conscious Living
- Aesthetic Lifestyle
We talk more about how to narrow your niche in our blog course, The Homemade Blogger: A Guide for Beginners.
3. It’s Okay to Get Inspiration from Other Bloggers
Finding inspiration from other bloggers is one of our favorite things to do in our free time! We love finding new blogs that provide us inspiration for our own blog.
When we say, “get inspiration” we do not mean copy. Legally and morally, that is wrong and not the direction you want to go as a new blogger.
However, we love seeing what other bloggers are doing, because after-all, this the community you are gaining access to! It’s fun to find new trends, ideas and cheer other bloggers on, while you are creating a blogging community of your own.
Some bloggers we love getting inspiration from are:
4. Create a List of Blog Post Ideas
Another blogging tip we wish we knew right off the bat was create blog post ideas in batches. You might have heard other people mention doing this for other social media platforms, and it’s honestly one of the best things we do.
We plan each month out on a Google Slide–detailing the title of the post and the key words.

We sit down for a couple of hours one day at the start of the month, jot down topics we want to write blog posts about each week, and schedule them out for the next three months.
Yes, we said 3 months! Trust us, it will save you so much time!
Want to learn how to write the perfect blog post? We go in-depth about how to write 3 of the best styles of blog posts to drive traffic to your site on our blog course.
5. Pinterest is the Best Social Media Platform
Pinterest is your BEST FRIEND! Lol! But for real, Pinterest has the potential to send thousands of visitors to your blog each month! It’s the best social media platform for bloggers. We recommend following all these blogging tips for new bloggers, but this one has specifically changed the blogging game for us.
We are consistently growing our audience on Pinterest every month, and it’s gotten us over 132K views on Pinterest.

The best tip to gain this sort of traction and drive traffic to your site from Pinterest is consistency. Posting new, fresh pins on Pinterest every day may sound daunting at first, but you do get the hang of it, and it becomes another part of your daily routine as a new blogger.
6. Send Weekly Emails to Your Email List
We love sending weekly emails to our email list! It’s one of our favorite things to do each week and something that we use as a way to connect with our Mozie fam!
We highly recommend starting an email list. We use a site called Active Campaign to send our emails. What’s so amazing about Active Campaign is that it connects directly to our site, so we are able to create forms, send automated freebies to our fam, and send personalized emails!
In our blog course, we go through step-by-step of how to do this, but it’s super simple to do on your own! If you haven’t done this already, we recommend you do!
It’s such a simple way to connect with your audience every week and keep them updated about new posts on your blog, send products you recommend or just fill them in on your life and give them encouragement.
7. Write Blog Posts You Would Want to Read
When you’re writing a blog post, you want to make sure that what you’re writing is something that you would want to read.
This is something we think about before writing our blog posts, and it’s such a great blogging trick to check and see if what you’re writing could be relatable to your readers. If you’re not writing something you want to read, you may want to rethink how you talk about a certain topic.
8. Offer a Freebie to Your Audience
We mentioned freebies in tip #6, so you may still be wondering what those are.
Freebies (or opt-in) forms are great ways to grow your email list. It’s how we have grown our list to more than 70 email subscribers and how our email list continues to grow weekly.
A freebie is something you give your audience in return for them joining your email list.
Examples of freebies you could offer your audience are:
- A free guide
- An Ebook
- Offer a quiz
- A free checklist
- A free email course
9. Page SEO is Essential
Another essential blogging tip for new bloggers is to learn about your page SEO. Page SEO is something that is vital to the health and foundation of your site. We suggest investing in a free SEO course. We love this one offered by Neil Patel.
In simplest terms, SEO (search engine optimization) is the what determines how you rank on Google. There are a lot of factors that contribute to making a blog post optimized for Google, but it’s something that we wish we knew more about as a beginner blogger.
The better SEO your posts have, the higher they will rank on Google and the more traffic that will come to your site. A great way to keep track of how much traffic is coming to your site is through Google Analytics. It’s a free tool to help you track the number of users, page views and where your readers are coming from around the world.
10. Be Yourself!
Lastly, be yourself! There is no one like you in this world. Don’t doubt your ability to be a beautiful human and create a space for your audience to be welcomed in to.
Even if your niche is super saturated, you can still do something that stands out to someone else. You aren’t a carbon copy of someone else who is doing the same thing you are.
You are uniquely you!
Step into your life as a new blogger. Embrace it. You have something so special to offer. You’ve got this!
That’s all for the 10 essential blogging tips for new bloggers! 🤩 If you have any questions about any of the tips above or about the courses we offer to get your blog up and running smoothly, let us know in the comments!
Above all else, we hope you feel inspired and invited to live a life that’s beautiful!
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