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Wondering how to keep indoor plants alive?
We reached out to one of our close friends, Briana, who has a major green thumb. Her plant collection is immaculate and she has spent about years researching each plant she buys. She has mastered the art of growing thriving indoor plants. She has so much knowledge on indoor plants and we brought her in as a guest writer to share her top tips for thriving indoor house plants.
Confession, when she sent over her list, we were shocked when we read some of these tips! Keep reading to learn something new about how to care for your indoor plants.
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How to Keep Indoor Plants Alive : 7 Tips from a Plant Expert
1. Ditch the watering schedule.
Indoor plants can be effected by several factors. Including, time of year, length of light per day, temperature in the room, rate of plant growth, and even what kind of pot it is in. Watering on a schedule is convenient, but can lead to over or under watering. So, whats the best way to tell if your plant needs water? Stick your finger a few inches down into the soil. If you feel moisture, it's not time to water. If its bone dry, time for a drink!

2. Three’s a crowd! Plants love community!
It may sound funny, but other plants like being around other plants. Plants release oxygen which creates a bit of humidity and most plants enjoy some level of humidity. Place your plants next to each other and let them create their own little rainforest.

Pothos Marble Queen
The Sill

Snake Plant
The Sill

ZZ Plant
The Sill
3. Yellow leaves aren’t always a bad thing.
Have a green leaf turning yellow? Don't panic!! This is a natural process! There are so many reasons a plant can drop a leaf. Simply, cut off the yellowing leaf so that the plant doesn’t spend any more energy trying to heal it. Here are some things you should also check for: check the leaves and soil for pests, check your soil moisture, and consider rearranging or moving your plant to a new location in your house.
4. Do the research.
Just like people, no two plants are the same. So, before you buy a plant, spend some time online learning about its light and water needs. There is a houseplant out there for every lifestyle.

5. If at first you don’t succeed, try again.
Behind every pretty shelf of beautiful, blooming plants, is a few casualties. Don’t worry if it takes some time to get in the groove with being a plant parent!

6. When it rains, it pours.
A common misconception is that overwatering your plants means giving them too much water. But, it actually means watering too frequently! When you water your plants, place them in the sink and wet all the soil until water runs out of the bottom of the pot. Some plants even like to take a shower!
7. Cute on the outside, convenient on the inside.
It is highly recommended to put your plants in pots with a drainage hole. But, it seems all the worlds cutest pots lack them. So what do you do with a pot without a drainage hole? Pot your plant in a plastic nursery pot, (the ones they come in from the greenhouse) and place this within the cute decorative pot. When you need to water, simply lift your plant from its adorable outer shell and water away!

Hawkins New York Terracotta Pot
Urban Outfitters

Artera Woven Plant Basket

Crackle Glaze Plant Pot
H&M Home

Reactive Glaze Hobnail Plant Pot
H&M Home
Indoor Plant Q&A
What are the benefits of indoor plants in your home?
There are so many benefits of decorating with indoor plants in your home. Plants can change the mood of a room, they can be therapeutic to care for and can also have health benefits.
Plants are great to bring life and character to indoor spaces. Each plant has a different shape that can bring a feeling to each room in your house. You have the ability to be creative and make a space your own with indoor plants. For example, a long, spilling plants like a pothos or string of pearls can add drama to a space. Snake plants and succulents can add character to a space.

Indoor plants can be beneficial to your physical and mental health?
Plants can bring a calming presence to a room and have been proven to reduce stress and fatigue and boost productivity. Maybe adding a couple succulents to your office will help you power through the tasks on your to-do list? Additionally, taking care of indoor plants can be beneficial to your mental health. The routine of watering and taking care of your plants has shown to be a therapeutic practice.
Now that we know the benefits of having indoor plants in your home, how do you actually keep your plants alive and better yet, thriving? Plants are a lot like people- they both need water, proper nutrients, and company!