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white wine lemon basil corn pasta

Summer dinners are all about simplicity!! We love the long days of summer because it means more time in the sun and making plans on a whim. And once dinner time rolls around, all we want to make is something super simple.

This white wine lemon basil corn pasta is a go-to summer recipe for us. It’s light, fresh and bursting with flavor! It takes just about 20 minutes to have a yummy dinner! It’s perfect for those days when your schedule is packed and you want to whip up something super quick. Bucatini noodles are tossed in a delicate citrus white wine sauce and sprinkled with fresh corn, basil and burrata cheese. So yummy!!

white wine lemon basil corn pasta

White Wine Lemon Basil Corn Pasta with Burrata 

What you’ll need to make white wine lemon basil corn pasta:

Pasta: We chose bucatini pasta for this recipe, but feel free to swat it with your favorite pasta shape!

Corn on the cob: Fresh corn is always better!! We recommend trying to find fresh corn because the flavor is so much better. It’s sweet and has a crunch to it, unlike canned corn. 

Fresh basil: Adds a delicious flavor and pop of color to this pasta. If you don’t have fresh basil, we don’t recommend using dried, just leave it out.

Burrata cheese: Did you know burrata is actually two cheeses in one – stracciatella cheese wrapped in mozzarella cheese. It has mild flavor with two different textures.

Chicken broth: Adds a nice flavor and volume to the white wine sauce

White wine: Choose a dry white wine for the sauce because it isn’t as sweet. 

Garlic: Fresh garlic adds a delicious, savory flavor to the sauce. 

Lemons: You’ll need both the juice and the lemon zest to give the sauce a burst of citrus flavor.

Butter: Adds richness to the sauce. 

Salt and pepper: Seasoning for taste. 

Direction Snapshot

  1. Roast corn cobs in the oven for 20 minutes. 
  2. Make pasta and white wine sauce while corn cooks. 
  3. Cut the corn off of the cob. 
  4. Toss pasta in white wine sauce. Sprinkle corn over pasta and top with fresh basil leaves and burrata. 

How to make white wine sauce…

White wine sauce has a delicious tangy flavor and is super simple to make. Some white wine sauces are creamy, but we chose to go with a lighter white wine butter sauce for a summer meal. The butter sauce takes just about 10 minutes to make, so you can make it while your corn is roasting in the oven.

  • Start by heating a skillet over medium heat. Add some butter and minced garlic cloves to the pan and sautee until the garlic is fragrant. Be careful to no to burn the garlic and adjust the heat as needed
  • Next you will add in chicken broth and white wine and let it simmer for several minutes.
  • Lastly, add in remaining butter and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper before tossing the sauce in the pasta.


white wine lemon basil corn pasta

How to cook al dente pasta….

Al dente = the perfect balance between crunch and crumbly!

Follow package instructions. It is important to pay attention to the package instructions, because each noodle type can have a different cook time. 

Test the pasta as you go. Sample the pasta as you cook to see how well don’t the pasta is. You want to make sure the pasta is still firm in the center but not crunchy. If it is crunchy, cook for a bit longer and test again. 

How does the pasta look and feel? Your pasta should be chewy, not crunchy or crumbly. When you bite into the pasta, there shouldn’t be a white center. 

white wine lemon basil corn pasta

How to char corn without a grill

  1. Broil – safer option but you do have to make sure to check frequently. Once your corn cobs are mostly cooked, remove the corn husks from the cobs and turn on the broiler setting. Place the corn cobs back in the oven and broil for abut 2 minutes on each side.
  2. In a skillet – After the corn cobs have cooked in the oven, remove the husks and brush with olive oil. Place the corn cobs in a skillet over medium heat and roast on each side for 2-4 minutes. Once there starts to be some browning go the kernels, rotate the corn cob to char the other the other sides. There will be some popping coming from the corn kernels. It can be a surprise at first but it’s normal!
  3. Over an open flame – I would only recommend doing this if you have a lot of control over the flame or are confident charring over an open flame. Peel back the corn husks and remove. Carefully hold the corn cob over the flame, making sure your hand is not too close to the flame. There will also be some popping coming from the corn kernels with this method. Carefully rotate the cob to char the other sides.

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White Wine Lemon Basil Corn Pasta with Burrata 

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Bucatini noodles are tossed in a delicate citrus white wine sauce and sprinkled with fresh corn, basil and burrata cheese.

  • Total Time: 25
  • Yield: 46 servings 1x



1 lb bucatini pasta

2 corn cobs

1/4 cup fresh basil

8 oz Burrata

1/4 tsp pepper

White Wine Butter Sauce

1/2 cup chicken broth

1/2 cup white wine

3 cloves garlic, minced

2 lemons juiced and zested

6 tbsp butter

Salt and pepper to season


  1. Preheat oven to 425ºF. Place corn cobs on baking sheet or flush on the oven rack and cook for 20 minutes. *See notes below for charing the corn.
  2. After cooked and charred, remove the husk. Cut the corn off the cob, uing a sharp knife, cut downward on the side of the cob, rotating to remove the kernels from the other sides. 
  3. Fill a large pot with water, season generously with salt and cook pasta according package instructions.
  4. Once the pasta is done, strain to remove all the water and toss in some olive oil or butter. This will make sure the noodles don’t stick together.
  5. Make your white wine sauce. In a skillet over medium heat, add a 1 tbsp of butter and minced garlic cloves. Sauce until fragrant, careful not to burn the garlic.
  6. Add in chicken broth and white wine and let it simmer for several minutes. Add in remaining butter and lemon juice. 
  7. Toss pasta in the white wine sauce, sprinkle with lemon zest, salt and pepper to season and fresh basil leaves. Pull apart the burrata rounds and place several on top. Serve hot.


How to char corn without a grill:

  1. Broil – safer option but you do have to make sure to check frequently. Once your corn cobs are mostly cooked, remove the corn husks from the cobs and turn on the broiler setting. Place the corn cobs back in the oven and broil for abut 2 minutes on each side.
  2. In a skillet – After the corn cobs have cooked in the oven, remove the husks and brush with olive oil. Place the corn cobs in a skillet over medium heat and roast on each side for 2-4 minutes. Once there starts to be some browning go the kernels, rotate the corn cob to char the other the other sides. There will be some popping coming from the corn kernels. It can be a surprise at first but it’s normal!
  3. Over an open flame – I would only recommend doing this if you have a lot of control over the flame or are confident charring over an open flame. Peel back the corn husks and remove. Carefully hold the corn cob over the flame, making sure your hand is not too close to the flame. There will also be some popping coming from the corn kernels with this method. Carefully rotate the cob to char the other sides.
  • Author: Mozie
  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 20
  • Category: Dinner

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