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Easy Things You Can Do to Reset for the New Year

There’s just something about a fresh start that motivates us to take on a new year. It’s such a special time to reflect, get rid of what’s not serving us anymore and set goals for the new year. Plus, at the start of every new year, we feel the need to press the “reset” button on our lives and make a few changes. 

We’re not talking about major, life-changing things here, but simple to-do’s to step into the new year motivated and inspired. Going into the months ahead with a clear mind, clean home and an expectant heart is a must!

If you're feeling the need for a total refresh, we've got you covered. These 9 simple things will help you reset for the year ahead!

9 Easy Things You Can Do to Reset for the New Year

1. Make a Vision Board

A fun, creative and motivating way to say “hello” to the new year is by creating a vision board. There are so many ways you can do this for you, but a couple of are favorite ways are:

  • Digital Vision Board: Creating a digital vision board is a neat way of doing this. Take time to scroll through Pinterest and Instagram to find images, quotes and some of your favorite things you want to bring into the New Year. Once you’ve got the images you’d like to use, it’s time to create a fun collage of the images. We love using Canva to create a vision board — they even have a mood board template that you can use. If you don’t have a Canva account, you can use Microsoft Word or Pages (Mac) to create your college.
  • Tangible Vision Board: We love a digital vision board, but a tangible one is so much fun. Whether you’re creating it alone or gathering your friends together for a fun girl’s vision board night, a tangible board is a great choice. Using old magazines, newspapers and other printed images, cut and glue the images to a piece of card stock or poster board. It’ll be so fun to see what everyone comes up with

2. Deep Clean Your Home

Once Christmas decorations come down, we feel the need to clean — and we don’t just mean a quick clean of the house…we mean DEEP clean.There’s just something that clicks in our brain that convinces us that in order for our house to welcome a new year, we need it to be spotless and tidy. 

Let’s be honest, there’s nothing like sitting down after a day of cleaning your house, getting in some cozy pajamas and watching your favorite rom-com. It feels like you punched the “reset” button and you’re motivated for the days ahead.

3. Buy a New Planner

Ever since we could remember, one of our favorite things about a New Year was buying a new planner. It’s the perfect place to get your thoughts organized and get back on track after the holiday season.

We’re super picky about the type of planner we buy. We like one that has plenty of room to write, has monthly and weekly plans, and has a super cute pattern and font. The little details always make a difference.

These are some of our favorite planners:

4. Declutter Your Social Media

During the first month of the year, we also like to take time to declutter our social media. Going through, unfollowing people and brands that don’t serve us anymore helps to clear our feed of things we don’t want to see anymore.

In addition to this, we also like to look for new people to follow that align with our intentions for the year. 

5. Organize Your Bedroom Closet

By the time January hits, our closet is out of control. If you’re like us, finding ways to organize and save space in a small closet can get overwhelming at times. The beginning of the year is always a perfect time for us to purge our space, buy new storage products if needed and create a better system that’s easy to maintain.

Read More: 10 Super Simple Closet Organization Hacks for Small Closets

6. Make a Binder of Healthy Recipes

A fun and crafty way to stick to your healthy eating goals this year is to create a binder that’s filled with healthy recipes. Having a designated place to keep all your recipes makes it easy for you to find. Plus, you don’t have to continuously search for hours on the internet to find a recipe you love.

Taking time this new year to research, print and organize recipes for your binder can help you stay motivated and on top your goals.

7. Try a New Hobby

Trying out a new hobby this year is one of our top goals. We want to try several new things this year and stick to at least one of them. Some hobbies you could try are:

  • Pottery Making
  • Writing Poetry
  • Taking an Art Class
  • Cookie Decorating Class
  • Cooking Classes
  • Taking a Dance Class / Adult Ballet Class
  • Yoga
  • Learning to Sew
  • Playing a New Instrument
  • Learning How to Bake
  • Scrapbooking
  • Joining a Running Club
  • Creating or Joining a Book Club

8. Make Skincare a Priority

Skincare has always been something we’ve been passionate about. Having dealt with acne prone skin our whole lives, we’ve learned to make skincare a priority -- and once you do, it'll change your life.

If you’re interested in taking your skincare to the next level, starting with a simple three-step routine is always best. Plus, there are so many amazing products out there, you don’t have to break the bank to establish a regime that fits your lifestyle.

These are some of our favorite affordable skin care products:

9. Refresh Your Home with a Few New Items

Lastly, refreshing our home with a few new decorative items always seems to bring us a bit of joy —especially after taking down our Christmas decorations. Adding a small lamp to our kitchen counter, swapping out our pillows on our sofa, or trading out our bedding for something new, always seems to boost our mood.

If you’re wanting to make the cold winter a bit cozier, adding some festive, winter home decor to your living room will make it feel more inviting and add a bit to sparkle to those days spent inside.

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