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Become a Morning Person

Want to become a morning person?

We’ve never truly been morning people. We absolutely love the morning time and have always wanted to be early risers — waking up by 6:00, drinking our morning coffee and finding time to relax before the work day. Just having that bit off extra time to reflect before the day truly begins would be amazing.

That’s what prompted us to change a few things in our morning routine.

With our work day starting at 9:00, we knew we had plenty of time to squeeze in way more things that would benefit us and set us up for the rest of the day. That's when we started implementing a few, simple practices. With these tips and tricks, becoming a morning person was way easier than we thought. 

The Benefits of Waking Up Early

Waking up early gives you the opportunity to reduce stress, allow you to get more things done and set daily habits. Here are some advantages of becoming an early riser:

  • Time for Yourself: Whether you live with roommates, have kids or have to leave for work early in the morning, waking up earlier allows you more time for yourself. Before everyone else gets up and you have to face the responsibilities of the day, take time to make a coffee, read a morning devotional or journal.
  • More Time to Get Things Done:  Waking up earlier can also give you more time to get things done. Whether you need to pack your lunch for work or do a load of laundry, having extra time in the morning to do some things you feel like you never have time for during the week is another huge benefit.
  • Mental Health Boost:  Studies have shown that waking up earlier could boost your mental health. Waking up with the sunlight is a natural way to tell your body its’ time to wake up.

5 Things to Help You Become an Early Riser

1. Get an Alarm Clock

One the best ways to become a morning person is getting rid of your phone alarm clock and swapping it for an alarm clock. 

We absolutely love the Hatch Smart Alarm Clock. There are so many amazing features it offers from:

  • Helping you go to sleep with white noise
  • Gently wakes you up with a sunrise alarm clock to support your circadian rhythm
  • A completely customizable wake-up and go-to-bed routine setting

Even if you choose to set a traditional digital alarm clock, this will help you not look at your phone immediately. We also find that traditional alarm clocks help you wake up much faster than quiet smart phone alarm.

Become a Morning Person

Hatch Alarm Clock

2. Schedule a Workout Class

Scheduling an early morning workout class signals something in our brain that we have to wake up right when our alarm goes off. It’s probably our super punctual personality or likely the penalty of the cancel fee if we don’t show up. Either way, having that on our schedule in the morning has been a great way to get us up and at em’.

Not to mention, working out in the morning makes us feel so much better throughout the day. We’re more energized and more productive.

3. Create a Simple Routine

Becoming a morning person is such a drastic change in the beginning, so keeping your morning routine simple is a great way to keep the habit going. We find that doing these few things (in this particular order) helps to ease us into the early morning:

  • Get out of bed right after the alarm goes off
  • Brush our teeth and wash our face
  • Get in some morning movement (morning walk around the neighborhood or workout session)
  • Make a cappuccino

However you choose to structure your routine in the morning is totally up to you. Fill it with things that you enjoy, keep calm and relax before the day begins.

Become a Morning Person

4. Go to Bed Earlier

This one just makes the most sense. If you want to wake up earlier, you should go to be earlier.

Speaking from night owls here, we love ourselves some productive late nights — reading a book, creating new Pinterest boards or watching our favorite shows. 

Although, going to bed earlier is something that makes waking up earlier so much easier. To help us fall a sleep quickly, we make a cup of Sleepytime Chamomile Tea, read a few pages of our book and go to sleep without looking at our phone. It’s surprisingly helped us go to sleep and stay asleep at night.

5. Find Someone to Keep You Accountable

If you think becoming a morning person will need some more accountability than your will power, find someone who’s willing to do it with you.

Being twins, we were born with a built in accountability partner — which makes keeping each other accountable (and slightly competitive) way easier.

Since you most likely don’t have a twin, maybe ask your roommate, workout buddy or friend to keep you accountable. Making this big change together will help you feel like you’re not alone. There’s always going to be that one person there who’s in it with you!

We’re curious to know, if you’re a morning person or recently converted to being a morning person, do you have any tips or tricks you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

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