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Meet the chocolate bottom salted butterscotch cookie!! She’s the more elegant sister of the chocolate chip cookie. 

Chocolate Dipped Salted Butterscotch cookies

These chocolate dipped butterscotch cookies are soft and chewy, filled with dark chocolate chips and butterscotch chips, dipped in a thin layer of dark chocolate and sprinkled with flakey salt. We would argue that these cookies rival some of our favorite bakeries cookies. After years of experience making cookies, we’ve narrowed down several tips for making perfect cookies every time.

As self-proclaimed chocolate chip cookie connoisseurs, here are some things we look for in a “perfect cookie”. For starters, we prefer a doughy cookie over a cake-y cookie. Secondly, there has to be some structure and crisp edges. There also has to be the right ratio of chocolate chips to cookie dough. I don’t like a cookie that has an overwhelming amount of chocolate chips. Lastly extra points go to cookies with a wow being chocolate dipped, has a fun flavor combo or be stuffed with a filling. 

When we create a cookie that checked all those boxes checked off, like these chocolate dipped butterscotch cookies, we HAVE TO SHARE! We promise they are worth all the hype we are giving them!!

Chocolate Dipped Salted Butterscotch Cookies

Chocolate Dipped Salted Butterscotch cookies

Recipe Snapshot:

  1. Cream butter and sugars. 
  2. Mix in dry ingredients and stir in chocolate chips.
  3. Scoop out dough into dough balls and chill for 10 minutes. 
  4. Bake cookies 6-8 at a time.
  5. Cool cookies on wire rack until completely cool.
  6. Spread melted chocolate on bottom of each cookie. Lay bottom-side down on a piece of wax paper. 
  7. Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.
Chocolate Dipped Salted Butterscotch cookies

Tips for making the best chocolate chip cookie….

Use COLD Butter. Cold butter is essential for this recipe. It’s what makes these cookies a thicker texture and gives them a delicious buttery taste.

Cube the Butter Before Creaming. We recommend cutting the butter into small cubes before creaming. This will help the butter to break down easier. If you were to put two large butter sticks in the there, butter may fly everywhere and would take more time to cream together evenly.

Chill the Dough. The dough will need to chill for 30 minutes before baking—otherwise the cookies may spread out more than hoped for. In that time, you can preheat the oven to the desired temperature.

Chocolate Dipped Salted Butterscotch cookies

How to store chocolate bottomed butterscotch cookies…

Do this before you put your cookies in a container. Wrap each in a wax paper sleeve or parchment paper sleeve to avoid the chocolate bottoms sticking to other cookies. After you wrap the cookies, decide how soon you will eat the cookies to determine how to store your cookies. See what we recommend here:

  • Room temperature: Store in an airtight container or ziplock for up to 3 days. 
  • Fridge: Store in airtight container or ziplock for up to 2 weeks.
  • Freezer: Store in airtight container or ziplock for up to 3 months.
Chocolate Dipped Salted Butterscotch cookies

How to make a perfectly round cookie

It is important for this recipe that your cookies are nearly perfect circles. It will just make the cookies look more uniform and elegant once the chocolate is on the bottoms. 

Sometimes when baking, cookies expand into abstract shapes and lose their circular appearance. We have a trick for making all cookies look uniform.
*The Cookies must be hot out of the oven because they will still be soft and easier to shape. 

  1. Find a cup the same size or slightly larger than your cookies. 
  2. Place the mouth of the cup on top, covering the cookie. 
  3. Slide the cup in a circular motion on the baking sheet.
Chocolate Dipped Salted Butterscotch cookies

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chocolate dipped butter scotch cookies

Chocolate Dipped Salted Butterscotch Cookies

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  • Author: Mozie Team


Soft, chewy cookies filled with dark chocolate chips and butterscotch chips, dipped in a thin layer of dark chocolate and sprinkled with flakey salt.



2 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp baking powder

2 sticks butter chilled

3/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup dark chocolate chips

1 cup butterscotch chocolate chips

Dipping Chocolate

2 cups dark chocolate chips

1 tbsp coconut oil


  1. In a medium bowl, gently whisk together your flour, salt, baking powder. Set aside and start creaming your butter and sugars together in a bowl.
  2. Cube your chilled butter and toss in a standing mixer bowl. On low speed, cream your butter until it is a whipped texture.
  3. Add in your sugars and mix on medium speed until creamed together. Make sure all butter is evenly blended into the sugars.
  4. Add two eggs and vanilla extract to the creamed butter and mix on medium-high speed. Pour in your flour mixture in 1/3 portions, waiting to make sure the flour mixture is incorporated completely before adding more.
  5. Once your mixture is fully blended together, remove mixing bowl from the stand mixer. Add in your chocolate chips and mix everything into the dough.
  6. Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper. Scoop and roll dough into dough balls about 1 inch thick. Place dough balls on a lined sheet pan and place in freezer for 30 minutes to chill.
  7. Preheat your oven to 375°F. Once oven is preheated, take cookies out of freezer, place 6-8 cookies on another lined sheet pan and bake in the oven and bake for 20-22 minutes, until golden brown on top. Place the dough you don’t use back in the freezer to chill until to keep cold while the others are baking.
  8. Place baked cookies on a cooling rack. Repeat the last step until all cookies are baked. Let cookies cool for 10-15 minutes before dipping bottoms in chocolate.
  9. While cookies cool, make dipping chocolate. Heat dark chocolate and coconut oil in a pot or double boiler over medium heat. Stir until melted. 
  10. Roll out a large sheet of wax paper. Lightly spread the bottom of each cookie in the chocolate. Place on wax paper. Option to chill cookies in the fridge for 5 minutes or leave on the counter until chocolate cools and cookies are set. 


Storing Recommendations

Do this before you put your cookies in a container. Wrap each in a wax paper sleeve or parchment paper sleeve to avoid the chocolate bottoms sticking to other cookies. After you wrap the cookies, decide how soon you will eat the cookies to determine how to store your cookies. See what we recommend here:

Room temperature: Store in an airtight container or ziplock for up to 3 days. 

Fridge: Store in airtight container or ziplock for up to 2 weeks.

Freezer: Store in airtight container or ziplock for up to 3 months.

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