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Bakery Style Cream Cheese Danishes

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A buttery, flakey yeast bread filled with a sweet cream cheese filling and topped with spiced streusel.

  • Total Time: 4 hours 35 minutes
  • Yield: 16 1x



Danish Dough

12 tbsp butter (2 at room temperature)

2 1/3 cup flour

3 tbsp sugar

1 packet of yeast

2 eggs, room temperature

1/2 cup milk, warm

1 tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp cardamom

Cream Cheese Filling

8 oz cream cheese

1/4 cup sugar

1 egg yolk

1 tsp vanilla

Spice Streusel 

1/3 cup flour

1/4 cup sugar

3 tbsp butter, melted

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp cardamom


Make Dough

  1. In a bowl whisk together flour, sugar, yeast, cardamom and salt.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine milk, eggs, and vanilla. 
  3. Grate or cube butter. If you grate butter, you may need to pop it in the freezer for about 5 minutes before adding it to you dough. If you cube butter, make sure it is cut into the dough into small pea sized pieces. 
  4. Add in milk mixture and mix to combine until the dough comes together.
  5. Grease a large bowl and scrape the dough mixture into the bowl. Place in fridge and let it rise for 3-4 hours or overnight. 

Laminate the Dough

  1. Once dough has chilled and risen, scoop it out onto a floured surface. Add more flour if sticky. Roll out into a 9×6 inch rectangle. Fold one side into the center and the other onto of the folded piece (almost like a pamphlet). 
  2. Roll out the dough until its is back into a 9×6 rectangle. Turn the dough once and fold each side in again. Roll out and turn the dough again. 
  3. Roll and turn the dough 2 more times. 

Make the Danishes and Rise

  1. Once the dough has been rolled out 9×6 rectangle again, cut in half length wise and then each long rectangle into 4 even pieces. So you have 16 pieces. 
  2. Place danishes on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and cover with a towel. Let them rise for 1 hour.

Make the cream cheese and streusel mixture

  1. While rising, make your cream cheese mixture and streusel. For the cream cheese, mix cream cheese, sugar, egg yolk and vanilla. 
  2. In a separate small bowl, add flour, sugar, salt, cardamom and butter and mix together until combined and crumb- like.

Bake Danishes

  1. Once the danishes have risen, preheat oven to 350°F and shaper danishes. Make an indention and flatten the center of each danish, making sure there is a risen border drought the edge. 
  2. Fill each danish with a couple tbsp of cream cheese mixture and sprinkle with streusel. 
  3. Bake for 16-20 minutes. Let cool for about 5-10 minutes and enjoy with a cup of coffee!
  • Author: Mozie
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Rise Time: 4 hours
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Category: breakfast
  • Method: baking